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Client reviews for Rebecca Davison at RebeccaDavison.Life
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Surprising Spiritual Values

What a wonderful session focused on my spiritual values which were surprising to me when revealed and made so much sense. I am looking forward to supporting myself going forward by paying attention to these values! And finding like minded people to be in community with.

Julie Varga

5 Jul, 2024

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what seemed hard now feels easy!

Rebecca has palpably bright and bountiful energy she graciously shares with clients. She guided me to insights that broke down barriers and opened opportunities for me to grow. What seemed like a bunch of barricades were disassembled and melted away. In their place was an ease of being and a path forward. I am renewed with a sense of freedom, promise and purpose. Amazing!

Karen Fisher

3 Jul, 2024

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Business By Spirit

Absolutely Rebecca is a superior instructor on running a business being spirit led. Her teaching has changed my entire perspective on myself in business and running a business. What incredible life/business awareness i’ve gained. I have practical steps and a workable plan for me!!

Treena Reynolds, Photography/Coaching

27 Jun, 2024

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Awesome coaching experience

I always get a new perspective on where I am at a soul level when I have a session with you. This is very helpful and useful in creating the life I want to live from the soul level. Your heart centered, thoughtful guidance is greatly appreciated!

David Little, Intuitive Soulutions

19 Jun, 2024

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Expanded state of being

Rebecca facilitated a much deeper spirituality and awareness than I had previously. I ampracticing receiving with loving attitude. Appreciating my powered as a creator. Enjoying a harmonious relationship with my husband. And awareness of the wealth that I have and will have. I have regained an ability to set meaningful goals and know they will manifest

Julie Varga

5 Mar, 2024

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Just do it

I met with Rebecca during a time in my life when I felt lost and at the end of my rope - I was doing all the "right things" or felt like I was and not seeing the results I had hoped for. I had been told that when I improved my relationship to myself that everything would change but that felt like a long way off. After our call I felt calm and stable and safe in the world and safe in my body for the first time in a long time. If you have the opportunity to work with Rebecca or have been watching her content, don't delay any longer. Stop procrastinating. Just do it.


24 Feb, 2024

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Elevated Upgrading

Rebecca ability to get to the heart of the matter makes all the difference in the experience of real & lasting change. Clearing blocks is so essential and important but also the body needs to process the emotion being held. My entire relationship with my body has been elevated and my growth escalated. Im seeing the dynamics of the masculine/feminine inside of us in a new higher frequency balanced way. Expounding my knowledge has increased my trust in my infinite ability and in my relationship with the universe/God/source i.e. me. The result: Im attracting clients, love interests, expanding relationships, and loving money in a a whole new more joyful way!

Treena Reynolds, Bella

13 Feb, 2024

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Amazing Change

Rebecca, your insights have allowed me to let go of living in my story!!! I am not thinking in terms of what happened but rather facing my day with enjoyment. I believe the biggest shift for me was to know I am innocent. I am healed. I am whole! I’m now looking forward to my future - making plans to travel. Also, I’ve let go of regrets with my husband and children; my parents and siblings. I understand that what happened was an illusion. I am at peace - not depressed. The work together was incredible!!!

Tonja Isaac

10 Jan, 2024

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It's always good talking with Rebecca as she has a way of clarifying your situation in a way you sometimes can't see yourself as you are in the thick of it.

Kylie Bryers

11 Jan, 2023

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Amazing insightful session

Thanks Rebecca for a great session. You are spot on with your intuition. The things that came up all made total sense. Some items I had been working on myself which you picked up upon. That was a notion that I still had energy on that. Grateful that you cleared more layers of that. And you have also pointed out new conscious beliefs I wasn’t aware of. Feeling so much lighter and brighter after your session. I can truly recommend it

Pam Simmonds

18 Nov, 2022

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Only changed my life!

For as long as I can remember (and I'm in my 50's) I've struggled with anxiety. I would wake up with it and go to bed with it. It got so bad that I became very sick with burnout that resulted in long COVID. I was lost! I had tried EVERYTHING! I embarked on one of Rebecca's courses and just the few tools I learnt helped me to reduce my anxiety SIGNIFICANTLY! I am now signed up to her Intuitive Mastery course and simply CANNOT WAIT!

Jax Fisher

8 Nov, 2022

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Looking forward to more

Rebecca absolutely blew me away! She caught me mid-crisis and yet held space with love and compassion. Within half an hour I was able to view the situation with a completely different lens. I am looking forward to what the future holds for me with this work.

Jax Fisher

13 Oct, 2022

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Great first session

Rebecca has given me some key areas of self reflection that will help create a foundation of abundance in starting my own business. Her points resonated deeply with me and I look forward to working with Rebecca in the future once I achieve my initial goals.

Jontel Kiwi Kiwi

26 Nov, 2021

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Clarity on my future

It was absolutely amazing connecting with the beautiful Rebecca. Rebecca was able to give me clarity on what I looking at achieving within my life. Rebecca has such an amazing gift of making you feel comfortable and to easily express yourself. Thank you so much lovely for everything that you do 😍❤️🤩

Jax Heta

4 Nov, 2021

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Clearing blockages and limiting beliefs

The Coaching call with Rebecca was amazing and helped me immensely. I had a lot of blockages that need clearing. This goes back as far as my childhood. The tools and techniques that Rebecca has shown me has been so helpful, to make me feel better and change my mindset.

I appreciate what Rebecca has done for me, she is the best

Marisa Seabrook , Aspiring Entrepreneurial moms

29 Sep, 2021

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Manifestations in unexpected ways

I enrolled in Intuitive Mastery with several intentions. At the top of my list was to gain clarity of my purpose. Having sold a business three years prior, I was floundering with what I was meant to be doing next. Within the first month of the IM course, I was presented with what has evolved to become my new health and well-being vocation. I gained my first paying client, and I love helping people (including myself) improve their health. I feel that life is flowing and things are opening up for me. This is an exciting adventure and I'm looking forward to the upcoming chapters. Thanks to Rebecca, I have cleared the way for so much more to flow my way.

Linda Melhuish, Unlimited Life Solutions Ltd

24 May, 2021

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Life changing

I was lucky enough to win an energy clearing session with Rebecca. To say it has been life changing, would be an understatement. I didn’t know what to expect or where the session would take us. Rebecca is truly gifted, very quickly she got straight to the issue is that has been holding me back for years. When I say years, I actually mean decades. I now know what direction to go in, I know what lesson I need to focus on first to move forward from where I currently am. I know this isn’t a quick fix and I will be working on myself for the rest of my life, but from just one session I feel like I’ve been catapulted into the right direction. In that one session I feel so much lighter, happier and feel like I have some direction for the first time in a very long time. I feel so grateful and look forward to working with Rebecca in the future.

Jo Craig

24 May, 2021

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Get ready for love, get ready for growth

Rebecca is a highly talented, compassionate and powerful coach who is teaching me how to step into my own authourity and grow my self-leadership abilities. Since working with Rebecca, I've got so much clearer and courageous on what I want for my life, who I want to be and how I can create a more fulfilling, joyful and free future. My fear and sense of being stuck has completely shifted and I feel that I'm able to move forward with a clarity and, confidence - energies that I previously didn't know to access. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Rebecca; I'm so grateful that you've chosen to do this work. Much love, Miranda

Miranda Charles

12 May, 2021

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I was not expecting to go that deep, with intense physical and emotional pain. I had heard of past lives' traumas being re-lived during energy clearing sessions, I would have never believed that it what happened. I released so much, so deeply; despite the 'fatigue' and shock, I know that it has already made a life difference for me. There is this inner peace, calm, that I have been longing all my life (on this earth plane).

Nathalie Berthelin

7 Apr, 2021

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My seesion wirh rebecca

Rebecca reminds me i am ablecto do what wver i want. She has pointed me in the direction i need to go. I have now realised what my next move is i will follow it im learning now how to move into a higher financial accepantance without hesitation. This is excitong for me because after doing sums i can actually achieve this now! I know this will assist to move me onto my pursuit for land and horses. This is my new business that wpnt impeed on my current busienss that iaxstill setting new goals for. I have the power and i can be accountablecto myself. I need to continue to re imagine my life and know its possible. Thank you again rebecca your knowledge and belief in limitlessness is my power xx

Belinda Gordon, Entire property solutions

28 Jan, 2021

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A beautiful journey to freedom of mind, body, soul and spirit

Thank you Rebecca for your coaching! What a sense of freedom I feel since our conversations. You guided me to face fears I have felt for years. To unlayer the cause..to 'peel the onion' of my emotional responses..to release them and find inner peace and joy I have not felt in years (50 plus). The end result is my journey is filled with acceptance of myself..daily gratitude for all the amazing gifts life brings and an exciting acceptance of what the universe will provide. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

Jennie Burt

8 Oct, 2020

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Rebecca is a truly extraordinary person, my partner and I both had the pleasure of working with her and she changed our lives!!! I had many fears, travelling is just one example however after my first session with Rebecca I was able to go to rarotonga, every time I speak with her I am closer to my goals and i find another piece of myself in her words. My partner suffered a huge loss which left him struggling with addiction after his first session with Rebecca his addiction was cleared completely. Rebecca is my angel, she has changed our lives.


4 Oct, 2020

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After talking to Rebecca (twice now) I feel I got the clarity and re-assuring that I needed, ie. the confirming of what I was thinking inside me. Rebecca has this amazing angel's voice that is alike clear water generating vision and brightness. Hard to explain. I like her professional business like attitude too.

Nathalie Berthelin

3 Oct, 2020

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Rebecca introduced me to the power of developing your intuition

I met Rebecca at an art event in July 2018 and immediately I was drawn to her amazing energy. We caught up for coffee and I committed to six one on one clearing sessions to start the journey of developing my intuition. It was difficult for me to understand in my head but my heart was singing. Two years on and I have followed my intuition and manifested my dream bach, moved cities and jobs, connected more deeply with my spirit self and brought so many beautiful spirit beings into my life, including a delightful man. Now I am taking the next step to continue this momentum and will be undertaking the intuitive mastery course. Rebecca is highly intuitive, intelligent, articulate, kind, caring and so passionate about what she does. I would encourage anyone to work with Rebecca, she has been key to my shift in energy and for commening my journey to true bliss. xx

Michelle Guy

1 Oct, 2020

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I had such a powerful session with Rebecca

We worked on releasing some unexpressed emotions which was causing me physical pain on the right side of my body - jaw, neck and shoulder. I felt some contraction and release on that area during our session, which provided me a huge relief. I have previously worked with a chiropractor to help with my jaw and shoulder, but that didn't help much. I can't put a price on how good I feel now, and I know i'm well on my way to healing with the tools Rebecca provides. I am grateful for you and your work Rebecca. Thank you so much for sharing your gift.

Aileen Deoma

16 Jul, 2020

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Embracing my divine feminine

Yesterday I completed my sessions with Rebecca. I had bought a 5 sessions package. That was the most amazing gift to myself. Rebecca guided me to clear blocks that were hiding in plain sight. Deepest gratitude for the amazing upgrade in my life.

It is safe, right and good for me to focus on me and know what brings me pleasure.

Sending you love, light and blessings! 💖

Adriana Alvarez

11 Mar, 2020

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Katherine Ryan

I think Rebecca is a wonderful intuitive. She really cares about her clients and always goes above and beyond. I would highly recommend having a session with her.

Katherine Ryan

20 Dec, 2019

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Katherine Ryan

I think Rebecca is a wonderful intuitive. She is extremely kind, compassionate and thorough. I would highly recommend her.

Katherine Ryan

5 Dec, 2019

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A shift is happening..

I felt quite heavy at that call discussing my money problems, but about a couple of days later I noticed a shift happening. Feeling lighter and more optimistic about money. I look forward to amazing things happening as I get rid of my money blocks.

Shankari Johnston

18 Nov, 2019

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Like there was no distance between us at all

Rebecca listened intently and helped me release painful energy from my past, I felt so scared and trapped in my throat area and afterwards I felt light and hopeful and energised.

She helped me see where further blocks exists and gave me constructive advice on connecting with source for my highest good. I left the session feeling happy and hope filled and peaceful and able to take action I had been procrastinating on.

I really look forward to our next session, she was insightful and encouraging and sincere and not afraid to call BS...lol

tania steenkamp

13 Nov, 2019

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Rebecca is very gifted and an excellent intuitive . She is kind caring , compassionate and an all round amazing coach.

Katherine Ryan

9 Oct, 2019

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Great !!!

Your answers made me understand that my intentions and aspirations are well aligned with that of yours'. I can so much depend on you as my mentor in shaping my entrepreneural niche and learn all fabulous rituals from you. I enjoyed the call with you and received answers aptly for my questions. Many many thanks for the same. Love you. Continue to do your great work.

K Ishwarya Lakshmi

26 Sep, 2019

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Free clarity telephone conversation

Excellent experience with Rebecca. I like the fact that she was prepared (professionally): I had to briefly write why I was contacting her when I first enquired to book the chat, and prior to the conversation, I had to fill out a comprehensive questionnaire. I found Rebecca's style extremely engaging, supportive and also 'challenging' (getting me to feel outside my comfort zone!). Rebecca's voice is very appealing, clear like a crystal fountain.

Nathalie Berthelin

8 Sep, 2019

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Live changing!

I had a very powerful call with Rebecca which has raised my awareness and brought me to action! Thank you Rebecca for your insights and wisdom and for sharing them with me, it is so appreciated.

Amber Fisher

16 Aug, 2019

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Brief Complimentary 15 Minute Phone Catch Up

I appreciated how present and authentic Rebecca was with me during this session. Rebecca got to the very core of my unique challenges in a very rapid space of time, which really impressed upon me. I was able to gather and go away with very specific and helpful advice and action steps to impliment immediately into my life. I highly recommend Rebecca's services to those eager to move ahead with a purposeful, powerful life.

Jackie Sheehan

11 Aug, 2019

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Breaking out of the cage

I will never forget that shift in my awareness after Rebecca cleared deep hidden childhood traumas from my energy field. I felt quite happy with my life and always on the path to see the good in everything. I didn’t even realize that I did that to get my awareness away from the heaviness of pain and shame I was hiding inside. It’s so freeing now to not see but to feel in my body clearly what is profitable for me. And on the other hand to realize quickly where I have to turn around and take back my attention from people and situations that are not good for me. Peaceful, straight and honest- I love my new- me🙏

Verena Koerber

6 Aug, 2019

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Exciting times!

I am excited at the prospect of working with Rebecca and gaining deep knowledge in the intuitive space!

Amber Fisher

23 Jul, 2019

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360 Degree Turnaround

Rebecca has taught be how to recognise old set unconscious beliefs and make them tangible. Once you truly recognise it, you can change it. My daily anxiety has 99% gone. My relationships have improved a billion times and my self belief and worth has set me on a path of freedom. I resigned from my job, with my dreams back in place and have 100% trust life is moving in the true direction of love. Plus I am about to start my training course with Rebecca, so I too can move in service. Thank you Rebecca x

Anna Mcferrier

18 Aug, 2018

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Chats with friend

Hi Rebecca, Since we last spoke, i'm happy to report a lot of changes immediately followed. i was struck with a horrible flu lasting 3 weeks. I knew i was in a process of clearing old stuff so i had no choice but to acknowledge and accept. Having to cancel clients and not at work for 3 wks. however i wasn't dismayed. i had faith things would work out. I get a call from my boss wk 3 saying shes giving me a promotion, better hours more money. Feeling confused but elated. i then get second job offer which works in with my own business again more money. Feeling much better by end of wk 3. i get invited to a weekend retreat, which i need at this point, for fraction of the cost. ... on top of this people are sending me gifts of love and friendship. again very weird but interesting exciting.
My mother decides to put her house on the market, less then 2 weeks into she sells the house.! money in the bank. She bought me a brand new lounge suite.! On top of all this good stuff i surrounded by some amazing supportive woman. I'm looking forward to shifting more stuff soon.

Nothing short of bliss!

jessie Cornell

23 Jun, 2018

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Deeper Consciousness & Awareness of Myself

I really loved that my baby could be present to benefit from the healings. I had a big ah ha after my first two sessions with Rebecca. I was doing plenty of self care but I was doing it last. I had thought I was taking good care of myself when in actual fact I was telling myself and the world that I wasn't a priority. I wasn't putting myself first. This new awareness has created shift in the way I live every day and is helping me to be clearer about boundaries, something I have always struggled with. I feel clearer and less drawn into dramas.

One piece of advice Rebecca gave me was to verbally communicate my emotions to my daughter so she can understand that when I am upset that it isn't about her. I have found this invaluable in the last few months.

Having recording of our sessions to listen to has helped me to feel more grounded and given me a deeper consciousness and awareness of myself.

Frances McKee

17 May, 2018

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Instant light-filled connection

Thank you Rebecca for an incredible phone call this week. After a friend was telling me how much she has grown since working with you, I just had to meet you. As soon as we spoke, I felt an instant connection and finished the phone call enlightened and like someone just got me +what I've been working on for months, even years that I've barely told many people and you understood my journey + what I want to create in a 30 minute phone call. Can not wait to continue the journey with one on ones

Ashleigh Weule

29 Mar, 2018

Rebecca Davison

Intuition Coach and Spiritual Guide

Phone +64 21 350 093

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